What things from your childhood or years ago do you miss today ?
For me:
For me:
- Blockbuster Videos.... sure on Demand/Netflix is great, but there was something about going there to see what movies are coming and being able to hold movie boxes to read. Not to mention the numerous games rented from there. And course the cheap sales
- Bourbon Street West Edmonton Mall: It was unique and odd. The Statues the lighting, and for some reason the smell.
- Affordable tickets for concerts / camping out / lining up to get first crack at tickets
- Remember Consumer Distributors and their massive catalog that came out just before christmas? Oh the circling of stuff I wanted. LoL. Also having to drive to their store/warehouse just off baseline road by capilano. Remember my trip there with my mom to pick up the game "Mortal Kombat"
- Muchmusic playing music.. oh the hours I watched as a kid. Sidenote Electric Circus on Friday was a blast to watch lol
- Arcades.
- Photo Albums
- Simplicity of life... Not meaning because I was a kid with zero responsibility.. but how it wasn't the woke/cancel culture its morphed into now.
- All my Masters of the Universe and GI Joes - knowing what they can go for now - still upset they where given to my mother's friends child after I grew out of them.
- Going to clubs - The Joint, Barry T's where the main ones.
- and of course, since this is an Edmonton Eskimo/Elks forum. I miss the Grass
- Going to clubs - The Joint, Barry T's where the main ones.
- and of course, since this is an Edmonton Eskimo/Elks forum. I miss the Grass