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2015 Edmonton Rush thread

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    Re: 2015 Edmonton Rush thread

    Originally posted by Diesel View Post
    Katz wants to own all the pro sports franchises in Edm. Urban's a bit of a minor league dick compared to Katz, but I applauded his f.u stance to the sOilers once they started crapping all over him when he didn't want to sell

    - - - Updated - - -
    Over or under 3.5 years before the Oilers start sniffing around the Esks.

    so true

    Going to take years to disinfect the laforge stink
    It'll never happen. Business is business. The Oilers have turned heel.


      Re: 2015 Edmonton Rush thread

      They'll do well in Saskatoon. What other pro franchise do they have there?
      Sucks but like has been said it was bound to happen.


        Re: 2015 Edmonton Rush thread

        That's too bad the Rush are leaving. I thought they might get something done where the Oilers bought the Rush as it makes sense for that to happen. I haven't heard one good thing said about Urban. Even Gregor who calls the games doesn't say anything overly great about the guy. But it takes 2 sides to come to a deal so I don't doubt that both sides were at fault in some way. The Oilers will get an expansion team once the arena is open, the crappy part is they will be starting from scratch.

        My one question would be this. They have 1 more year in Rexal, why would you move now instead of waiting till you absolutely had too? Why not wait and see if you can work out a deal?
        Last edited by Sectionq; 07-17-2015, 11:35 AM.
        Blindly accept whatever they do and if it doesn't work out, I guess there's always next year.


          Re: 2015 Edmonton Rush thread

          Urban made the stupidest moves while he was an owner here...but I guess that when you're the owner you can do what you want.

          Best of luck in Saskatoon, but I don't see them succeeding to be honest.


            Re: 2015 Edmonton Rush thread

            Originally posted by Muley69 View Post
            Urban made the stupidest moves while he was an owner here...but I guess that when you're the owner you can do what you want.

            Best of luck in Saskatoon, but I don't see them succeeding to be honest.
            I don't see them doing any better in Saskatoon. What's Edmonton and surrounding population? Close to 1.3 mill? What's Saskatoon? Maybe 300k. So you are going to a City with way less population, way less sponsorship opportunities plus getting their flight wise will be a bigger pain in the butt. I don't see why you wouldn't wait until there was absolutely no other option unless you have no intentions of selling. My guess is the Oilers wouldn't let them go into the new building unless they owned them (i don't blame them) and Urban won't sell unless the Oilers offered crazy money.
            Blindly accept whatever they do and if it doesn't work out, I guess there's always next year.


              Re: 2015 Edmonton Rush thread

              A quarter the population also means only a quarter the competition for entertainment dollars though... maybe even less considering the black hole of attention NHL teams are in Canada.

              I could see it working, it'll just be them and the Blades, and when you only run 8-10 dates a year it's doable. They're gonna need to start marketing again though, something they majorly pulled back on here... but between being the only pro sport in town and if they can keep putting a winner out there they can carve out a nice niche. Plus they'll get a far better building lease and likely access to increased in-house advertising opportunities that are strictly off-limits now.

              I think their success or failure will come down to Urban and his people... if he insists on continuing to do things on the cheap, it will be a tough go even with a winner... on the other hand, if they spend some money, it could be lucrative.
              Look. We can go round and round about this all the live long day. Let's keep it simple. I embody amazement. Can you dig on that? Good. Then meet me on the corner of rock and roll, and bring a flask of something that burns.


                Re: 2015 Edmonton Rush thread

                Originally posted by BaronAmongYou View Post
                Over or under 3.5 years before the Oilers start sniffing around the Esks.

                It'll never happen. Business is business. The Oilers have turned heel.
                Oh they already have sniffed...

                - - - Updated - - -

                Originally posted by Jtuck09 View Post
                They'll do well in Saskatoon. What other pro franchise do they have there?
                Sucks but like has been said it was bound to happen.
                The sOilers were hostile to the rush from day one, and were waiting for Urban to throw in the towel so they could buy the franchise for pennies on the dollar. They denied them the use of suites and the scoreboard, along with hanging Quinlan's retired jersey. betcha a cup of coffee the sOilers now make a push for their own franchise. Just another sleazy biz move
                I will not, for a moment longer, support an organization who chooses to cowardly kneel where they once fiercely & proudly stood


                  Re: 2015 Edmonton Rush thread

                  The City really threw the Rush under the bus not only subsidizing and giving Katz full control of the new arena, and not doing anything to keep the coliseum open. Obviously that's under Northlands umbrella, but I have to think the City could have easily made it worth their while to keep it running, and I given the complete dearth of mid-sized facilities the people would have been well served to keep it open, even with a reduced capacity and fewer bells and whistles.

                  But anything less than a total monopoly isn't enough for Katz, and the City continues to be all to happy to bend over whenever it pleases the mullet... and in the end the tax payer doesn't just get rear-ended money wise, but also service wise. Capitalism is sure great when you get all of the proceeds and take none of the risk.

                  And the Rush were unfortunately another casualty.
                  Look. We can go round and round about this all the live long day. Let's keep it simple. I embody amazement. Can you dig on that? Good. Then meet me on the corner of rock and roll, and bring a flask of something that burns.


                    Re: 2015 Edmonton Rush thread

                    Ya.... I'm sad to hear this. In short as a lacrosse fan, I hope the Oilers buy an expansion franchise soon so, we can still have pro lacrosse in this city.


                      Re: 2015 Edmonton Rush thread

                      Originally posted by Inquiring Mind View Post
                      A quarter the population also means only a quarter the competition for entertainment dollars though... maybe even less considering the black hole of attention NHL teams are in Canada.

                      I could see it working, it'll just be them and the Blades, and when you only run 8-10 dates a year it's doable. They're gonna need to start marketing again though, something they majorly pulled back on here... but between being the only pro sport in town and if they can keep putting a winner out there they can carve out a nice niche. Plus they'll get a far better building lease and likely access to increased in-house advertising opportunities that are strictly off-limits now.

                      I think their success or failure will come down to Urban and his people... if he insists on continuing to do things on the cheap, it will be a tough go even with a winner... on the other hand, if they spend some money, it could be lucrative.
                      Saskatoon isn't a great sports town though. The Blades can barely draw 4,000 as the only game in town and every other semi pro team to come to Saskatoon has failed in the past. I think it'll be a novelty for the first 2-3 years, then they'll move on. The city just isn't big enough and lacrosse isn't that popular.


                        Re: 2015 Edmonton Rush thread

                        Originally posted by UPP View Post
                        Saskatoon isn't a great sports town though. The Blades can barely draw 4,000 as the only game in town and every other semi pro team to come to Saskatoon has failed in the past. I think it'll be a novelty for the first 2-3 years, then they'll move on. The city just isn't big enough and lacrosse isn't that popular.
                        In doing some reading on my own (after reading the thread in RF) it has not actually been Saskatoon that has been the problem with Semi Pro teams, there it has been the leagues themselves. Their last few franchises, way back in the late 80s and early 90s, all had the league fold around them.

                        From what I understand there are 2 issues with the Blades attendance.
                        1) they suck
                        2) The Sasktel center, formerly SaskPlace and Credit Union Center, is way out on the edge of the city and a pain to get out of after an event. I drove through the area a couple of weeks ago and I see that there are lights going up in the area of the rink on Highway 16, so getting in and out of there should be easier. As for location, nothing they can do about that.
                        "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."

                        "The only thing I ever feared was failure" - Dan Kepley

